Life Made Better

Unlock Your Potential and Create the Life You Desire

bunch of yellow lemon
bunch of yellow lemon
woman in black and white checkered long sleeve shirt sitting beside man in green crew neck
woman in black and white checkered long sleeve shirt sitting beside man in green crew neck


provides safe and affordable community housing with single or shared room options. Each house is fully furnished including a kitchen fully stocked with all of the cookware and cutlery you will need to create great meals and memories with your peers, wifi, land line washer and dryer and bi-weekly maid service.

We are more than a safe and beautiful place to live.

  • We help occupants to expand their knowledge and skill set by connecting them with necessary resources that will teach them to become the person they want to be and live the quality of life they seek.

  • Occupants are not just roommates but team mates and accountability partners. We're all in this together and here to give you the hand up that you need to get back on your feet.

  • We'll host family style meals, game nights, opportunities to reconnect with family at cook outs or Sunday dinner.

  • Group exercise and walks because you perform better when you feel better.

    This is not your standard shared housing.

  • We are here to help you to make the best of those lemons life has given you and turn them into a refreshing lemonade!

black wooden table on rug
black wooden table on rug

Happy Customers

So Life Gave You Lemons helped me to completely transform my life. The comradery amongst my house mates, the independence and respect given by supportive staff, outside training and motivation helped me to overcome challenges, reconnect with my family, enroll into school and create a better future for myself. The best thing is that I did not have to do it alone. My housemates were a part of my healing. It felt good to be a part of a team with shared goals. I am forever grateful!

woman in green jacket raising her hands
woman in green jacket raising her hands
people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Contact Us

Have any questions or want to learn more? Reach out to us!

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
brown dried leaves on sand
brown dried leaves on sand

connect your clients today

Main business address

100 South Juniper Street, 3rd Floor

Philadelphia, Pa 19107

Working Hours

Mon-Sat 9am-7pm